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Maidenhead Thicket – 9 July 2016

Peter Cuss led a walk to see the butterflies of Maidenhead Thicket on Saturday 9th July. The weather proved less than ideal for butterfly spotting and the main target species, the White-letter Hairstreak, sadly eluded us. A few other species did brave the slightly gloomy conditions: Red Admiral, White Admiral, Large Skipper, Essex Skipper, Marbled White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Large White, Small White and Silver Washed Fritillary were all seen, so just making it into double figures. The Emperor dragonfly was also recorded.

The Botanists in the group seemed to find plenty to look at, with much discussion as to whether an Agrimony was Common or Fragrant! Pyramidal and Common Spotted-orchid were seen as well as both Slender and Trailing St John’s-wort and an unusually large patch of Sanicle. Several members said it was their first visit to the Thicket and hopefully the walk was enjoyed by all.

Report by Peter Cuss

Pictures by Rob Stallard and Peter Cuss