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28 March 2014

Sixteen people attended the walk on 26th March which was led by Jan and Laurie Haseler. There was a splendid display of Primroses and other woodland flowers included Early and Common Dog-violets, Lesser Celandine and Barren Strawberry. The first of the Bluebells were just coming into flower near the park wall. Spindle and Wych Elm had new leaves and there was blossom on the Blackthorn and Wild Cherry. Chiffchaffs were calling and a number of Buzzards and Kites were circling overhead. The group watched 3 Roe Deer running away on the other side of a valley in the woods. The corpse of a recently deceased Common Shrew was spotted on one of the woodland paths. The first flowers were just appearing on the Broom on the gravel cap at the top of the parkland. Black clouds and the sound of thunder approaching from the east prompted a race back to the stable-yard and everyone just managed to get back before the heavens opened.

Pictures by Laurie Haseler