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Fungus Foray – 30 October 2011

On Sunday 30th October, Gordon Crutchfield led a fungus foray at Lambridge Wood and Famous Copse, in the Chilterns to the north-west of Henley. The autumn colours were approaching their best, and thanks to the rain in the previous week, there were reasonable numbers of fungi around. Two different kinds of Stinkhorn were found – the common variety, and the smaller and thinner Dog Stinkhorn. In its early stage, the Stinkhorn is egg-shaped, with a gelatinous layer round a firm nut-like centre – which 2 of the braver members of the group tried and agreed that it tasted like raw potato. Boletus pruinatus was another tasty specimen which was nibbled by a few people.

Mycena crocata is one of the specialities of the Chiltern beech woods. Gordon demonstrated that its stem exudes an orange liquid when squeezed. Mycena pelianthina had gills with a darker purple edge. Members with a good sense of smell could compare the radish scent of Mycena rosea with the raw potato smell of Ammonita citrina, the False Death Cap. The fluid exuded from Lactarius tabidus stained yellow on paper. Collybia confluens was found in dense tufts, forming part of a large ring. Other finds included the Magpie Inkcap, the Blushing Bracket, which flushed pink when scraped, and the gelatinous Neobulgaria pura on a beech branch. A few moths were disturbed, including several November Moth types and a Mottled Umber.

Pictures by David Owens and Jan Haseler

Lambridge Wood and Famous Copse, 30 Oct 2011

The following fungi were identified in the field (without microscopic confirmation):

Russula ochroleuca Ochre Brittlegill
Lactarius tabidus Birch Milkcap
Mycena galericulata Common Bonnet
Mycena crocata Saffrondrop Bonnet
Mycena vitilis Snapping Bonnet
Mycena rosea
Mycena pelianthina Blackedge Bonnet
Clitocybe nebularis Clouded Agaric
Clitocybe gibba Common Funnel
Clitocybe flaccida Tawny Funnel Cap
Clitocybe vibecina Mealy Funnel
Collybia confluens Clustered Toughshank
Collybia dryophila Russet Toughshank
Collybia peronata Wood Woollyfoot
Amanita citrina False Death Cap
Paxillus involutus Brown Rollrim
Psathyrella sp.
Coprinus picaceus Magpie Inkcap
Paneolus sp.
Pleurotus sp.
Crepidotus variabilis Variable Oysterling
Boletus cisalpinus
Boletus pruinatus Matt Bolete
Polyporus squamosus Dryad’s Saddle
Ganoderma australe Southern Bracket
Daedaleopsis confragosa Blushing Bracket
Stereum hirsutum Hairy Stereum
Trametes gibbosa Lumpy Bracket
Trametes versicolor Turkey Tails
Piptoporus betulinus Birch Polypore
Mycoacia uda
Phallus impudicus Stinkhorn
Mutinus caninus Dog Stinkhorn
Auricularia auricula-judae Jelly Ear
Neobulgaria pura Beech Jellydisc
Xylaria hypoxylon Stag’s Horn
Hypoxylon fragiforme Beech Woodwort
Biscogniauxia nummularium Beech Tarcrust
Amanita vaginata var alba

identified by Gordon Crutchfield


Mottled Umber
November Moth agg