Gordon Crutchfield led a fungus foray at Harpsden Woods, near Henley, on Sunday 29th September. It was a warm dry day and the previous week had been dry, so many of the fungi were very shrivelled up. One specimen each of Death Cap (deadly poisonous) and False Death Cap (harmless) were found, oddly enough growing within 5 metres of each other.
Highlight was two Beefsteak Fungi in perfect condition at the base of an oak tree. Beefsteak Fungus kills oak trees, causing a brown rot. The richly-coloured timber is highly valued, but the wood needs to be harvested at the right time – after the beautiful colour has developed, but before the wood starts to decay. Beefsteak Fungus is edible, but it is not as tasty as it looks or as the name suggests.
At the end of the walk, along Woodlands Road, some interesting plant species were spotted. Two Bird’s-nest Orchids and many Broad-leaved Helleborines were growing there, all in the fruiting stage.
Report by Gordon Crutchfield
Pictures by Rob Stallard
Fungus Foray on 29 September 2013 at Harpsden Woods, SU762803 led by Gordon Crutchfield
Lactarius subdulcis | Mild Milkcap |
Lactarius blennius | Beech Milkcap |
Lactarius acerrimus | |
Mycena galericulata | Common Bonnet |
Mycena pura | Lilac Bonnet |
Mycena haematopus | Burgundydrop Bonnet |
Mycena galopus | Milking Bonnet |
Mycena pelianthina | Blackedge Bonnet |
Mycena rosea | |
Clitocybe gibba | Common Funnel |
Clitocybe odora | Aniseed Funnel |
Megacollybia platyphylla | White-laced Shank |
Armillaria mellea | Honey Fungus |
Laccaria amethystina | Amethyst Deceiver |
Tricholoma sulphureum | Sulphur Knight |
Tricholoma album | |
Oudemansiella mucida | Porcelain Fungus |
Collybia confluens | Clustered Tough-shank |
Collybia maculata | Spotted Tough-shank |
Collybia dryophila | Russet Tough-shank |
Collybia peronata | Wood Woolly-foot |
Collybia butyracea | Butter Cap |
Lepiota cristata | Stinking Dapperling |
Amanita muscaria | Fly Agaric |
Amanita phalloides | Death Cap |
Amanita citrina | False Death Cap |
Lepista sordida | |
Pluteus cervinus | Deer Shield |
Cortinarius croceocaeruleus | |
Cortinarius elegantissimus | |
Cortinarius venustus | |
Paxillus involutus | Brown Rollrim |
Pholiota gummosa | Sticky Scalycap |
Hypholoma fasciculare | Sulphur Tuft |
Agaricus silvaticus | Blushing Wood Mushroom |
Agaricus semotus | |
Psathrella piculiformis | Common Stump Brittlestem |
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda | Weeping Widow |
Coprinus micaceus | Glistening Ink Cap |
Coprinus picaceus | Magpie Fungus |
Pleurotus ostreatus | Oyster Mushroom |
Crepidotus variabilis | Variable Oysterling |
Crepidotus mollis | Peeling Oysterling |
Boletus cisalpinus | |
Meripilus giganteus | Giant Polypore |
Laetiporus sulphureus | Chicken of the Woods |
Fistulina hepatica | Beefsteak Fungus |
Ganoderma australe | Southern Bracket |
Piptoporus betulinus | Birch Polypore |
Postia lutea | |
Daedaleopsis confragosa | Blushing Bracket |
Stereum hirsutum | Hairy Curtain Crust |
Trametes gibbosa | Lumpy Bracket |
Trametes versicolor | Turkeytail |
Schizopora paradoxa | Split Porecrust |
Lycoperdon perlatum | Common Puffball |
Auricularia auricula-judae | Jelly Ear |
Hypomyces chrysospermus | Bolete Mould |
Xylaria hypoxylon | Candlesnuff Fungus |
Hypoxylon fragiforme | Beech Woodwart |
Hypoxylon multiforme | |
Biscogniauxia nummularium | Beech Tarcrust |
Nectria cinnabarina | Coral Spot |
Fuligo septica |
List by Gordon Crurchfield