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Blewbury Downs

Leaders: Julia Cooper and Ian Duddle The walk will be about 4 miles on the Downs including part of the Ridgeway, with some moderate gradients…

Christmas Party and Photographic Competition

Pangbourne Village Hall 6 Station Rd, Pangbourne, Berskshire, United Kingdom

Our annual members' Christmas party with quizzes, food and drink. The photographic competition will also be held. 2023 winner for 'on the doorstep' category: Tawny…

Trees of Clayfield Copse

Clayfield Copse Clayfield Copse Recreation Grounds,, Caversham, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Marcus Wheeler Meet at the car park off Caversham Park Road (SU725767), by the tennis courts and playing fields. We will look at different…

Making space for nature (Zoom)

Speaker: Rosie Street (Berkshire Local Recovery Strategy) A brief overview of our Berkshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy over the last 20 months. The policies forming…

Wednesday walk

Leader: Fiona Brown Informal Wednesday walk. Details will be given in the members' newsletter or at an evening meeting or contact us for details.

Sulham Wood-meadows

Pangbourne Village Hall 6 Station Rd, Pangbourne, Berskshire, United Kingdom

Speaker: Ed Cooper (BioCap Limited) A 130ha area of former arable land on the Sulham Estate is being transformed into a landscape aimed at increasing…

Bird Flight and Cooperation Aerodynamics (Zoom)

Speaker: Dr Steve Portugal (University of Oxford) Learn how birds co-operate and the mechanisms they employ to save energy during flight. The distinctive V formation…

Geology at Curridge

Curridge Chapel Lane,, Curridge, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Lesley Dunlop Meet at the car park on Curridge Lane close to the junction with Chapel Lane and adjacent to the Women’s Institute Hall…

Butterfly Identification made Easy

Speaker: Grahame Hawker (Butterfly Conservation) After a brief introduction to butterflies, we will look at the butterflies that live in our area and the rest…

Wednesday Walk

Leader: Robert Stallard Informal Wednesday walk. Details will be given in the members' newsletter or at an evening meeting or contact us for details.