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Coley and Southcote Meadows

Southcote Meadows Circuit Lane, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Adrian Lawson Meet by the gate across the road at the southern end of Circuit Lane (SU692717). Come for a four mile walk through…

Sulham Woods

Sulham Woods Beech Road, Purley-on-Thames, Berskshire, United Kingdom

Meet at the western end of Beech Road for a walk through fields and beech woodland to look for autumn fruits and fungi. The Wild…

Fungus Foray at Paices Wood

Paices Wood Paices Hill, Aldermaston, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Mike Harrison Meet at Paices Wood Country Park main car park off the A340 south of Aldermaston (SU588639). This is a walk to find…

Geology at Nettlebed Common

Nettlebed The Green, Nettlebed, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Prof Peter Worsley. Meet near the bus shelter on The Green, to look at the geology of the Common (SU702868). Nettlebed is a small…

Farlington Marshes for birds

Farlington Marshes Farlington Marshes

Leaders: Ken and Sarah White Field trip for geese, ducks, grebes and waders at Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth. Meet in the car park of the Hants…

Watlington Hill moss walk

Watlington Hill Watlington, United Kingdom

Leader Sean O'Leary. Meet at the National Trust car park at the top of Watlington Hill (SU709935) for a good range of woodland and chalk…

The Trees of Prospect Park

Prospect Park Reading, Berkshire

Leader: Marcus Wheeler Meet at the car park off Liebenrood Road (SU691728) for a walk looking at the trees of Prospect Park, Reading’s largest open…