Gordon Crutchfield led a walk from Tokers Green on Wednesday 18th December. The weather was unseasonably mild and there were still green leaves on Elder…
Renton Righelato led a walk at Moor Green Lakes on the still, cloudy morning of Saturday 7th December. The leaves on the oaks were a…
Julia Cooper and Ian Duddle led a circular walk round Sulham Woods on Wednesday 20th November. It was a cold grey morning with a warning…
Sheelagh Hill organised a joint coach trip with Reading Gardeners to the Royal Horticultural Society’s Wisley Gardens in Surrey on Thursday 14th November. Three different…
The family walk on Saturday 2nd November at Moor Copse, a reserve of the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) in the lower Pang…
Sheelagh Hill led a circular walk, starting from the Rising Sun at Witheridge Hill, on Wednesday 16tht October. The rain fell continuously and sometimes heavily…
Gordon Crutchfield led a fungus foray at Harpsden Woods, near Henley, on Sunday 29th September. It was a warm dry day and the previous week…
Fred Taylor led a walk at BBOWT’s Warburg Reserve at Bix Bottom Wednesday 18th September. A Nuthatch was calling loudly from a tree above the…
Renée Grayer led a walk at Olddean Common, near Camberley, on Saturday 21st September. Members gathered at the end of King’s Ride, then set out…
Martin Sell led a walk on the southern part of Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve on Saturday 9th September. Starting from the Cowleaze Wood car…