On the 17th of October, Gordon Crutchfield led a group of 12 members of the Reading and District Natural History Society in Lackmore Woods on the annual Fungus Foray. Before even leaving the roadside, 4 species of fungi were found – cortinarius auroturbinatus, Collybia butyracea, Lepiota mastoidea, and Lycoperdon foetidum, the latter having a hole in the top where clouds of dust-like pores can be seen when released by rain falling on the fungi. The woods after the previous day’s rain were fruitful for the fungi – many more varieties were found and identified by Gordon as he helped the group learn about identification pointers for some species and the effects of some of the more harmful on humans.
As we explored the various parts of the woods – beech, larch, brambles, etc. – a variety of fungi were found. Noone will forget that coprinus sp. have fibrous stems that can be torn apart longitudinally to reveal the ‘strings’ nor that the feel of the waxcap is somewhat like the feel of candlewax.
In addition to the fungi, one lone November moth was found clutching a twig, beautifully camouflaged in the, by then, darkening woods.
Amanita rubescens | The Blusher |
Amanita citrica | False Death Cap |
Lepiota mastoidea | |
Oudemansiella muscida | Porcelain Fungus |
Tricholoma terreum | |
Tricholoma sulphureum | |
Tricholomopsis playphylla | |
Clitocybe sp. | |
Laccaria laccata | Deceiver |
Laccaria amethystea | Amethyst Deceiver |
Collybia maculata | Spotted Tough-shank |
Collybia butyracea | |
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca | False Chanterelle |
Mycena rosea | |
Mycena sp. | |
Lactarius blennius | Slimy Milk Cap |
Lactarius turgis | Ugly Milk Cap |
Lacterius grietus | Oak Milk Cap |
Lactarius brittanicus | |
Lactarius subdulius | |
Russula nigricans | Blackening Russula |
Russula ochroleuca | Common Yellow Russula |
Russula fellea | Geranium-scented Russula |
Russula marii | Beechwood Sickener |
Cortinarius auroturbinatus | |
Cortinarius sp. | several different |
Paxillus involutus | Brown Roll-rim |
Hebeloma crustuliniforme | Poison Pie |
Inocybe geophylla var. lilaceia | |
Psathyrella hydrophila | |
Crepidotus variabilis | |
Boletus edulis | Cep or Penny Bun |
Boletus badius | Bay Boletus |
Boletus subalpinus | |
Boletus pruinatus | |
Scillus grevilei | Larch Bolete |
Piptoporus betulinus | Birch Polypore |
Postea spipticus | |
Coriolus versicolor | Turkey Tails |
Bjerkandera adusta | |
Stereum hirsutum | Hairy Stereum |
Schizopora paradoxa | |
Lycoperdon foetidum | |
Calocera viscosa | |
Helvella crispa | Common White Helvella |
Xylaria hypoxylon | Candle-snuff Fungus |
Hypoxylon fragilforme | |
Hypoxylon fusium | |
Diatrype disciformis | |
Hypholom fasciculare | Sulphur Tuft |
Hygrocybe sp. | |
Daedaleopsis confragosa | Blushing Bracket |
Photos by Rob Stallard