Reading and District
Natural History Society

The society encourages the study of natural history in all its myriad forms in the general area centred on Reading, Berkshire, UK.
We meet for regular walks in the Reading area throughout the year. From October to March we hold fortnightly indoor meetings at Pangbourne where we invite guest speakers to give illustrated talks (some of these are on Zoom).

Every month we offer a weekend walk led by an expert, often to a nature reserve. We visit many different locations all within easy driving distance from Reading.
Wednesday Walks

For many years an informal walk has been held every month on Wednesday mornings, usually ending with a pub lunch. The walks are of general interest (birds, plants, insects and animals) and take place at locations dotted throughout the local area.
Meetings are held twice a month on Tuesday evenings at Pangbourne Village Hall starting at 7:45pm from October through to March. We invite a mix of experts and local enthusiasts to share their knowledge and passion for all things relating to Natural History.
Our main annual publication is the ‘Reading Naturalist’ – a journal of over 70 pages which review all our activities for the year free to members. It includes records on all the local wildlife as well as articles, excursion reports, general articles and talk summaries. It has been published each year since 1949.
We have always been keen to promote recording of the wildlife in our area. As climate and the landscape changes (not always for the good) it becomes even more important that we watch the effects on wildlife and report these to the scientists that might be able to use the data to protect endangered species.
Every month we send members a newsletter by email; it includes details of all upcoming society events as well as a digest of general wildlife news.
Photo Competition
Each year we hold a photographic competition for members. It is held at the time of our Christmas Party. There are a number of categories for photographs of Natural History in the area.
Every year we run a mothing event in late summer. Light traps are set out overnight and the moths are trapped, studied and recorded. Several remote rural locations have produced an impressive ranges of specimens.
For more about the Reading and District Natural History Society (R&DNHS) please click on one of the boxes above or the button below.