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The Call of Nature (Zoom)

Speaker: Richard Jones Dung is a 4-letter word, but nothing to get disgusted about – it is simply pre-used food, still full of nutrients. The…

Wednesday walk

Leaders: Julia Cooper and Ian Duddle Informal Wednesday walk. Details will be given in the members' newsletter or at an evening meeting or contact us…

Christmas Party and Photographic Competition

Pangbourne Village Hall 6 Station Rd, Pangbourne, Berskshire, United Kingdom

Our annual members' Christmas party with quizzes, food and drink. The photographic competition will also be held. 2023 winner for 'on the doorstep' category: Tawny…

Trees of Clayfield Copse

Clayfield Copse Clayfield Copse Recreation Grounds,, Caversham, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Marcus Wheeler Meet at the car park off Caversham Park Road (SU725767), by the tennis courts and playing fields. We will look at different…

Making space for nature (Zoom)

Speaker: Rosie Street (Berkshire Local Recovery Strategy) A brief overview of our Berkshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy over the last 20 months. The policies forming…

Wednesday walk

Leader: Fiona Brown Informal Wednesday walk. Details will be given in the members' newsletter or at an evening meeting or contact us for details.

Sulham Wood-meadows

Pangbourne Village Hall 6 Station Rd, Pangbourne, Berskshire, United Kingdom

Speaker: Ed Cooper (BioCap Limited) A 130ha area of former arable land on the Sulham Estate is being transformed into a landscape aimed at increasing…

Bird Flight and Cooperation Aerodynamics (Zoom)

Speaker: Dr Steve Portugal (University of Oxford) Learn how birds co-operate and the mechanisms they employ to save energy during flight. The distinctive V formation…

Geology at Curridge

Curridge Chapel Lane,, Curridge, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Leader: Lesley Dunlop Meet at the car park on Curridge Lane close to the junction with Chapel Lane and adjacent to the Women’s Institute Hall…

Butterfly Identification made Easy

Speaker: Grahame Hawker (Butterfly Conservation) After a brief introduction to butterflies, we will look at the butterflies that live in our area and the rest…